Gamewell Drug has a "Blessings Box" placed outside their front door. If you are interested in making donations, you may drop your items by the Town Hall or take them to the staff at the drug store. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Caldwell County Tax Re-evaluation Information
A press release from the County is now available (please see the attachment). In addition to this, we have produced a video that is available on the Caldwell County Government YouTube channel (https://youtu.be/Ktzb8cAnOpk?si=mx8MPfhmm_ObXt_8).
News Release from Caldwell County - Re: Tax Appraisals
Gamewell History Museum Recognition
(Danny Kincaid, Bobby Watson & Gretchen Griffith)
Western NC Disaster Recovery Information (link from NC Dept of Commerce)
For updates regarding the Charlotte Interbasin Transfer you may view past meetings please visit: http://charlottewateribt.org/
The museum is open on the second and fourth Sunday from 2:00-4:00 pm each month. Times outside of the schedule will be by appointment only.
NEW PARK HOURS- Daylight until Dark. Violators will be trespassing and prosecuted. Police authorized to arrest under NCGS-14-159.13. Vehicles left in the parking areas (after hours) will be towed at the owner's expense.
Please remember dogs are not permitted to be in the park. Violators will be given (1) warning and a $50 fine for each additional violation.
Scheduled Public Hearings and Public Notices
Special Called Meetings - public notice
(All budget requests for FY 2025-2026 are due by Tuesday, February 25, 2025. Requests should be in writing and include: the name of the agency, amount requested, purpose of the request, and federal identification number.)
Budget Information
Approved 2024-2025 Budget (May 13, 2024)
2024-2025 Budget Ordinance (Approved May 13, 2024)
Request for Qualified Services (RFQ) & Advertisement for Bids
none at this time
Financial Statements/Audits
Town of Gamewell Financials 2024
Town of Gamewell Financials 2023
Town of Gamewell Financials 2022
Town of Gamewell Financials 2021
Town of Gamewell Financials 2020